Centre for Youth and Social Development
CYSD (Centre for Youth and Social Development) is a non-government and non-profit organization established in 1982, working to improve the quality of lives of tribal, rural and urban poor in Odisha, with a primary focus to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, ensuring social inclusion and justice, good governance and citizen’s right. Helping communities identify and initiate development measures; providing training and other capacity-building support to pro-poor organizations and individuals; and carrying out research and advocacy in favour of the under privileged people especially the tribal. more deatails
Our Outreach: CYSD reaches out 2.39 lakh people covering 36,578 households of 798 villages in 124 GPs of 29 Blocks with geographical location of 8 tribal Districts of Odisha like Koraput, Malkanagiri, Rayagada, Mayurbhanj, Keonjhar, Kalahandi, Balangir and Sundargarh. However, CYSD works across the State of Odisha covering all 30 districts in partnership with like minded organisations with shared understanding for specific cause.
The CYSD Library & Information Centre is located at CYSD-DRTC in Bhubaneswar. It is a repository of variety of learning resources and reference materials relating to social reengineering and development across different thematic areas. The Library currently holds 8,400 books, 2,700 mimeographs and 80 archived and bound periodicals and journals along with CYSD’s own publications. It also currently subscribes to 14 journals in the fields of social sciences, economics, politics and health, and to 8 daily newspapers (in both English and Odia; the local language). Important articles relating to development and social sciences are scanned and kept for ready reference. The library not only houses national and international books and journals, but also up-to-the minute data and reports on specific developmental issues addressed through CYSD’s Action Projects and policy research work. CYSD’s publications also include training modules, IEC materials and toolkits on sexual and reproductive health, the prevention of HIV/AIDS, education, women’s self-help groups, the State budget and its implications for citizens, and various Government welfare Schemes and Acts. The Library-cum-Information Centre is being used by young researchers, development professionals and media professionals, besides frontline workers of CYSD.